Monday, October 29, 2012

Coping with Different Emotions

Hello! I am a little bit behind on will quickly learn why. I will do my best to catch-up without being overwhelming.

Last Wednesday started off great! It started with my weekly mind-body group. Our activity for the day was drawing a happy/safe place for ourselves. What first came to my mind was our trip to St. Martin last spring. My husband and I spoil ourselves on vacation, and the memory of standing on the beach is a very happy and safe place for me. This came in handy later...

I then did my monthly pilates class...remember, my goal is to do yoga and pilates at least one time per month (this seems small, but I spend so much time on cardio and weights that it makes sense for now). And just like last month, I loved it! I used my muscles in a way that is different than anything else.

My last scheduled activity for the day was dance class. To be honest...I was not exactly looking forward to it because it was tap week. I haven't done tap since 10th grade! I even went to class without tap shoes and soon regretted it. I had so much fun!!! Life lesson.- make yourself do things that are out of your comfort zone because you never know...

While in the shower after dance, I heard my phone ring and a voicemail alert. I somehow immediately knew something was wrong. It was a message from my mom telling me that my sister's dog got out of their yard (she's a runner). While waiting for my sister to call me and hoping that Maddie would return, we learned that she was killed by a car. I immediately dropped to the ground, hysterically crying. I was not only sad to lose Maddie, but I was so sad for my sister and her husband. We got in our car and drove to their house to be by their side. We stayed there until they needed to be alone and left with many unanswered questions. Tears continued while I lay in bed trying to fall asleep. I was having a hard time getting horrible thoughts and images out of my head, so I went back to my happy/safe place that I used earlier that day. It was amazing how it helped me fall asleep. If you have any sleep issues, you might want to try the imagery exercise.

If you recall, last week I told you about the active meditation of shaking that we did in our workshop. This came in handy on Thursday while I was still very emotional and needed to get out of the "funk." I tried to shake the thoughts and sadness off of me- it temporarily helped. You should all try it!

Needless to say, Wednesday night through Thursday night was a very draining and emotional 24 hours. When I finally had some energy on Friday, I expressed my anger and emotions through some intense cardio exercise on the eliptical and stairmaster. Pushing myself to my limits while listening to good music is such a stress relief! I would recommend this for anyone who is looking for stress reduction, an energy boost, a mood change, etc.

On Friday afternoon, I surprised my sister with some fun gifts and treats. While having a warm drink together at Caribou, I could tell that she was able to talk about Maddie more without crying- this was a good sign. I went back to her house with her, which was probably good so that she wasn't entering her dog-less house alone. I am trying to support her as much as possible without overstaying my welcome.

After only sleeping five hours Friday night, I was nervous about how my long day/night would go. Again, exercise saved me! I first taught Marsh X, which is a total conditioning class that utilizes TRX. I then taught Cycle, which is a great workout for me as well. I had enough energy to get through my busy day and my sister's birthday that night! I love what exercise can do for all of us!

Ok, I'm going to stop there for now, even though I have more things to share from Saturday, Sunday and today. You will just have to wait though:) Thanks for reading this long post...I think the writing process was healing for me.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Wellness Wednesday

Happy Wednesday! I have a few thoughts to share today. First is a motivational quote of the day...

Second, is a plug for an immune boosting vitamin, called Congaplex. Last winter, I was sick every month from September to March. It started with catching a cold on an airplane to Vegas and ended with bronchitis. I attributed my illnesses to working in a gym and having a baby niece who was in daycare. I still work in a gym and still have a neice who is sick a lot, but I'm guessing my immunity system is a little stronger. Needless to say, I've still been exposed to airplanes and many sick family members, co-workers and clients over the past few weeks, and I haven't caught anything yet (knock on wood:). I am attributing this to Congaplex, which was recommended by SuNu Wellness (my chiropractor's office). I take it every day, and I'm hoping the success continues!

Third, I had my mind-body group today. Along with other things, we did an active meditation. It sounds weird, but it included shaking and dancing. I was not excited about this exercise when it was first explained, but my opinion was quickly changed. It started with drumming music, and we were told to shake our entire bodies for 6 minutes. At certain points, were were guided to focus on our hands, feet, hips, etc, but we were supposed to keep moving the entire time- like a dog shaking off water. When the 6 minutes first started, it was hard to relax and not focus on doing coordinated movements. But once I was able to do that, it was easy for me to let my mind relax and not think about the class I taught this morning or what I needed to get done later today. This was a breakthrough for me because when we do quiet meditation, I can't seem to keep other thoughts out of my mind.

Once the 6 minutes was over, we stood silently for 1 minute to focus on how our body felt. My biggest discovery was that my arms were tingling and warm. I felt very relaxed.

Then, we were told that a song was going to come on, and we were supposed to move however we wanted to. Suddenly, "Home" by Phillip Phillips came on, and before I knew it, we were all dancing around the room together like we were on the dance floor at a wedding. We had so much fun dancing together, and that song now has new meaning to me!

Again, this sounds a little weird, but it was a very cool experience for me and others in the group. Meditation can be a powerful- it's up to you to try different formats and find what works best for you. We all need a little time for ourselves each day in order to center ourselves, relax and reflect. Try it out!

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Last Cabin Weekend

I am sad to say that cabin season is over for us. Our last weekend up there consisted of family time, pulling in the dock, raking leaves, packing up stuff, etc. Oh ya, and us girls found time for shopping in St. Cloud and stopping at the pumpkin patch!

One of my biggest contributions to the weekend (minus being a great auntie!) was making pumpkin banana bread. I don't want to make treats like that at home because then there are only two of us to eat it all. So, it was a perfect fall treat to share with others at the cabin!

After eating some junk food and having a couple cocktails over the weekend, I had a desire to exercise this morning. It was only 50 degrees outside, which just isn't enjoyable for me, so I had to find something to do inside. I turned on my playlist that I use while teaching some of my classes and did a workout by myself in the living room! Yes, my mom peaked in once in a while, but I mostly had my privacy because the boys were outside.

If you are looking for some easy things to do inside, here is what I did to get my heart rate up and challenge my muscles.
- jumping jacks
- lunges (front, side and/or back)
- squats
- push-ups
- tricep dips
- single leg bridges (for hamstrings)
- side leg lifts
- front and side planks
- obligue crunches
- bicycles
- mule kicks (for glutes)

So, the moral of the story one ever really has an excuse to not exercise because you can do it anywhere! Bye bye cabin, we will miss you. See you in April!

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Ideas for Colder Weather

As the weather is getting colder and my workouts move inside, I am starting to think of ways to add variety so that I'm not always doing the same thing for the next 6 months. Sunday, I did a perfect mix of cardio and strength at the gym. Last night, I decided to take a Step class- it was a great change to my cardio workouts! Great music with choreographed moves made the time go quickly.

Today, I started my day with Gentle Yoga. The breathing, stretching and core work felt great! I then taught Ballet Techniques in the warm therapy pool, which continued the gentle moving. One of my participants told me it was her favorite thing to do at The Marsh!!

Thinking about tomorrow, I am looking forward to my new Cycle playlist I created! I am also looking forward to week two of our Mind-Body Skills Group- need to bring myself back to what my needs are.

Happy Tuesday! Hope you can get some exercise and mind-body time in this week. Here are some suggestions:
- Go for a run or fast walk and enjoy the fall colors outside
- Attend a group fitness class to get motivation from others
- Do some weight training to increase your strength which will increase your metabolism and tone your body
- Take time for self-reflection or meditation

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

A Great October Day

I have so much more to be greatful for today than just the weather! I attended week one of a Well-Being Mind-Body Skills group and can't wait for the rest of the 7 weeks that we have. Thinking about challenges that I face and how my life would be once they are achieved was a great motivator for me. Although some tears were shed, I felt great leaving the group and continuing the rest of my day!

I then proceeded to go on a run, which was a great way to enjoy the beautiful weather and also keep the mind-body process going. Exercise is a great time to self-reflect and brainstorm.

We take so much for granted...I feel so lucky to be part of this group and to be able to enjoy running. I would love to share these experiences with others!

Monday, October 1, 2012

Charleston, SC

I am writing this entry as I am on the airplane back to MN from Charleston. It was a great long weekend with my husband, sister and brother in law. Although we did some things that weren't "healthy", it was a pretty active trip. Here are some of the highlights.

On Wednesday, our layover in Atlanta was only 35 minutes. You never know when being fit is going to come in handy, but it did as we had to run from one gate to the next. As I was running up the escalator carrying my bags, I was grateful for my health. And props to my sister who ran it with me! Needless to say, we were those idiots zig zagging through people and out of breath once we got to our gate. But we made it!

On Thursday morning, I went for a run and then my sister joined me for a walk. It was nice to have some new scenery. After catching some rays by the pool, we headed downtown. The rest of the day consisted of a rooftop drink, outside games, walking the shops on King street and the market. It totalled over 2 miles, and I am so glad I switched shoes!

Friday started with a long walk to a nearby golf course. We then headed to the beaches on Sullivan Island and Isles of Palm. The houses on the beach were amazing! Later, we went to the Noisy Oyster downtown for dinner, where I enjoyed crab stuffed bacon wrapped shrimp.

Saturday started with the pool again and then back to downtown. Walked around Battery Park and passed Rainbow Row. After my sister and I did some more shopping, we met the guys for dinner at Pearlz. This was by far my favorite food- an avocado and shrimp salad and a shrimp taco. So good!

I loved my first visit to Charleston and would definitely go back! We packed as much as we could into 3 full days, but we also has time for fun and relaxation. And of course, there is always a way to get exercise on vacation:)