Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Wellness Wednesday

Happy Wednesday! I have a few thoughts to share today. First is a motivational quote of the day...

Second, is a plug for an immune boosting vitamin, called Congaplex. Last winter, I was sick every month from September to March. It started with catching a cold on an airplane to Vegas and ended with bronchitis. I attributed my illnesses to working in a gym and having a baby niece who was in daycare. I still work in a gym and still have a neice who is sick a lot, but I'm guessing my immunity system is a little stronger. Needless to say, I've still been exposed to airplanes and many sick family members, co-workers and clients over the past few weeks, and I haven't caught anything yet (knock on wood:). I am attributing this to Congaplex, which was recommended by SuNu Wellness (my chiropractor's office). I take it every day, and I'm hoping the success continues!

Third, I had my mind-body group today. Along with other things, we did an active meditation. It sounds weird, but it included shaking and dancing. I was not excited about this exercise when it was first explained, but my opinion was quickly changed. It started with drumming music, and we were told to shake our entire bodies for 6 minutes. At certain points, were were guided to focus on our hands, feet, hips, etc, but we were supposed to keep moving the entire time- like a dog shaking off water. When the 6 minutes first started, it was hard to relax and not focus on doing coordinated movements. But once I was able to do that, it was easy for me to let my mind relax and not think about the class I taught this morning or what I needed to get done later today. This was a breakthrough for me because when we do quiet meditation, I can't seem to keep other thoughts out of my mind.

Once the 6 minutes was over, we stood silently for 1 minute to focus on how our body felt. My biggest discovery was that my arms were tingling and warm. I felt very relaxed.

Then, we were told that a song was going to come on, and we were supposed to move however we wanted to. Suddenly, "Home" by Phillip Phillips came on, and before I knew it, we were all dancing around the room together like we were on the dance floor at a wedding. We had so much fun dancing together, and that song now has new meaning to me!

Again, this sounds a little weird, but it was a very cool experience for me and others in the group. Meditation can be a powerful- it's up to you to try different formats and find what works best for you. We all need a little time for ourselves each day in order to center ourselves, relax and reflect. Try it out!

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